Monday, 9 September 2013


YouTube is a website I visit a lot.  It has literally everything I need and want on it, whether it is learning how to repair my phone or The Vaccines have released a new song.  YouTube has a bit of everything, for everyone. Such as channels for Comedy, Gaming, Music, Sport, Documentary etc. Personally, I normally visit YouTube for music but if I ever needed to know how to lace my shoe in a certain way or build a paper flower then I'd know where to look.

Pro Evolution Soccer

Pro Evolution Soccer is a game I have always followed.  I love this game as the graphics are excellent, the game runs smoothly, it is extremely unpredictable and I find it very addictive and that is rare with football games as I normally get bored of FIFA after 2 hours.  Also, FIFA seems to noticeably change every two years, whereas PES alter many different aspects of the game every year.

The Hobbit 2 Trailer 2013 The Desolation of Smaug

This is a film trailer I find amazing.  It is set in a place I can only dream of visiting, it catches my imagination and immediately draws me into the film.  After watching the trailer I found that I, personally, would like to take part in the adventures and battles that go on in the film.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

My Favourite Song

This is a song called 'Norgaard' by The Vaccines. This is my favourite song because it always make me feel upbeat no matter how bad a day I have had.  Not even some close friends have a positive effect like that!  The Vaccines are a great band who I regularly listen to, their unique style of music and their thoughtful lyrics appeal to me.

Introductionary Text Page.

Hello, my name is Ben Edwards and I'm 16. I live at home with my parents and my dog, Ozzy.  I have chosen media because it covers a range of topics and there is so much to learn.  I'd hope taking media would enable me to succeed and become a football journalist.  This is my dream job as I could combine my writing skills with everything I pick up in my media lessons and put my ideas across on a sport I love.